Profhilo (Classic)
Profhilo (Classic)
Profhilo® is the latest skin tightening treatment, and is not actually a dermal filler but is a completely new product altogether. It is a HA (Hyaluronic Acid) gel, which bio-remodels your skin to treat its laxity.
While Profhilo® treatment is based on pure hyaluronic acid (HA) technology, it’s more of a ‘skin booster’ than a filler.
Profhilo® is an exclusive skin remodelling treatment designed for clients with skin that is lacking volume and elasticity. By stimulating the production of collagen and elastin through the slow release of Hyaluronic Acid (HA), Profhilo® significantly improves the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and helps to increase hydration and firmness across the face.
What does Profhilo® treatment involve ?
During a Profhilo® treatment we inject the product using very fine needles in five specific points on the face that Profhilo® call the Bio Aesthetic Points (BAPs). The BAP technique is seen as the optimum method for placement of the HA. It allows the treatment to be effective and simple, reducing the chance of pain, or bruising at the injection site.
Who is a good candidate for Profilho ?
Anyone from their late twenties, or 30’s onwards who have started to notice the first signs of skin laxity, loss of volume, or have visible signs of ageing skin.
Is Profilho safe ?
Yes, treatment is very safe when carried out by a competent Practitioner. Profhilo® is a balanced hyaluronic acid product, free from impurities and additives (offering greater safety and reduced side effects). From a safety perspective, Profhilo® is highly biocompatible, owing to the fact that it is made from natural hyaluronic acid and stabilised without the addition of chemical cross-linking agents.
What are the Benefits of Profhilo ?
The benefits include:
- Especially effective at treating loose skin in the face, cheek and jowls.
- Quicker treatments with reduced discomfort, since only 5 points of injection are needed to treat the whole face.
- Stimulates production of all four types of collagen and elastin in the skin (the only product that can do this!).
- Improves skin tone, texture, hydration and radiance.
- Increases firmness and elasticity – for healthier, softer skin with more ‘bounce’.
- Increases facial fullness, with a tightening and lifting effect.
- Long-lasting results which improve over time.
- Fewer treatment sessions required.
- No swelling following treatment.
- Less chance of bruising.
- Can be used safely on all skin types.
- May be used in conjunction with other aesthetic treatments to help prolong benefits and enhance results.
- Treatment can be carried out regularly in order to maintain benefits.
Are there any side effects ?
The side effects are very minimal and most clients return straight to normal activities.
As with any injectable product there is always a risk of bruising. There may be some bumps, swelling or erythema at the injection sites which normally resolves in a few hours. In some cases this may last for around 24 hrs.
Is treatment painful ?
We understand that some clients dislike the idea of needles. Although Profhilo is an injectable treatment, it uses a very fine needle so you should not be able to feel too much.
If you are nervous or treatment is in a more sensitive area, we can use a topical anaesthetic in advance of treatment.
How long does it take ?
Allow 30 minutes.
What results can I expect ?
A typical course of Profhilo® involves two injectable treatments spaced four weeks apart. You can expect to see a gradual intense hydration, improvement in lines and tightness of your skin.
After eight weeks is when you will see the most improvement with a lifting and tightening of the skin it will appear more hydrated, more youthful and in better health. Some patients have reported an immediate improvement after treatment.
Overall, you can expect increased firmness, elasticity and an overall improved quality of skin, with the effects lasting up to six months or longer.
As with every treatment, results will vary from person to person and depends upon the degree of correction required, your age and lifestyle, and to your body’s response to treatment.
How many treatments will I need ?
A typical course of Profhilo involves two injectable treatments spaced four weeks apart. In some cases of extreme laxity a third session may be recommended.
The effects are temporary, and repeat treatments of 1 or 2 sessions can be carried out from approximately 6 months onward in order to maintain the results.
How much does it cost ?
Please refer to our CURRENT PRICE LIST for treatment pricing.
Are there any things I need to know to prepare myself for having a Profhilo treatment ?
This will be discussed with you at your pre-treatment consultation in depth.
Things we need you to be aware of are:
- Avoiding consuming alcohol at least 24 hours before.
- Avoiding blood thinning medication or anti-inflammatories a few days leading up to treatment (these can increase the possibility of bruising).
- Avoid any hair removal a few days before treatment (shaving, waxing, threading) in the area/s you wish treating.
- Avoid using products with anti-ageing ingredients (retinol, alpha hydroxy acids, glycolic acid) a week leading up to treatment.
- After care / How to look after skin after.
- No makeup for the rest of the day, to keep the skin clean and minimise risk of infection.
- Avoid hot showers or saunas for the rest of the day, as the heat can slow down healing.