Fat Dissolving Injections

Fat Dissolving Injection Treatments


Do you have areas of stubborn fat that you struggle to get rid of ?

Fat dissolving injections offer a fast, safe, non-surgical fat reduction solution to treating stubborn pockets of fat which are not responsive to diet and exercise alone.

For some clients, no matter how much they diet or exercise, they cannot get rid of certain pockets of fat which tend to remain in problem areas such as love handles, bra rolls, muffin tops, around the tummy, saddle bags on the outer thighs and double chins.

Fat dissolve injections are very helpful in refining body shape by tackling those areas of fat that are stubborn. However, they are NOT a weight loss treatment or an alternative to diet and exercise.

What areas can be treated with Fat dissolving Injections ?

Target areas that can be treated with fat dissolving injections on the body include abdomen, love handles, muffin top, saddlebags, inner thighs, knees, upper arms, back rolls, buttocks and underarm bra fat.

Target areas of the face include double chins and the jawline.

Are fat dissolving injections safe ?

Yes they are perfectly safe when administered by a qualified Practitioner using products with a good safety record.

How do Fat Dissolving Injections work ?

Fat dissolving injections, also known as lipolytic injections, destroy fat cells by damaging the fat cell membrane and liquifying the fat in the treatment area. The destroyed fat cells are then broken down and removed naturally through the body’s lymphatic system.

They are based on a formulation containing deoxycholic acid, which is a secondary bile acid which the body naturally produces to liquefy the fat in the gut.

Is treatment painful ?

As fat dissolving injections are a minimally invasive treatment there may be some level of mild to moderate discomfort, but it shouldn’t be painful and is easily tolerated.

As with all treatments that involve needles, the injections may sting for a few seconds, but generally, pain is minimal.

You can of course be given the option of applying a topical numbing agent to the treatment area to minimise discomfort.

What does the treatment involve ?

Prior to your first treatment, you will be given a consultation to assess your suitability for treatment and discuss any questions or concerns you may have.

The treatment itself involves a series of small injections of the fat dissolving product directly into the pockets of unwanted fat.

Who is a suitable candidate for Fat dissolving injections ?

This treatment is ideal for clients who are slightly overweight with stubborn, localized fatty deposits, which appear resistant to diet and physical activity.

Candidates need to have between 1.5 cm and 10 cm pinchable fat on the body. For treatment to the face, the treatment area would need to be sufficient to be able to pinch the fat away from the chin and jawline.

When are fat dissolving injections not recommended ?

For safety reasons all clients are given a full consultation and a medical history check to ensure they are suitable for treatment.

Typical contra-indications to treatment include those with a history of anaphylactic reactions, severe allergies, severe physical illnesses, autoimmune disease, as well as women who are pregnant or breastfeeding or who are under the age of 18.

How long does the treatment take ?

Depending on how many areas are treated, takes treatment session generally takes between 45 minutes to an hour.

Are there any side effects ?

Initial localised swelling and redness in the treatment area usually resolves within 3 – 4 days. There may be minor bruising, at the injection sites and/ or sensitivity and tenderness around the treated area, that will generally resolve in up to 10-14 days.

What is the downtime ?

There is no downtime as such; clients can go back to doing their normal routine straight after treatment.

However, it is recommended that an elastic compression garment is worn post treatment for several days to get the best results and reduce swelling.

How soon will I see results ?

Fat loss results take approximately 3 – 6 weeks to show, however, the treated area will continue to improve over the coming weeks and months. A course of treatments is required for optimal fat reduction results.

How many Treatments will I need ?

The number of treatments required varies depending on the size of the fatty deposit and from client to client.

Most clients will need at least 2 treatments to see the results they are after.

Fat dissolving injection treatments are recommended between 4-6 weeks apart, which is usually how long any swelling can potentially last.

A course of 3-5 treatments on the body and 1-3 on the face is usually advised for the best results.

How do I prepare myself for Fat dissolving injections ?

We advise you not to drink alcohol or take Ibuprofen within the preceding 24hours of your appointment, as this can increase the risk of bruising.

If you intend to have a facial treatment, e.g. double chin where the swelling may be obvious you may wish to organise time away from work or social engagements.

What is the aftercare following Fat dissolving injections ?

    • Avoiding showering for the first four hours following treatment.
    • Avoid hot showers or baths on the day of your treatments.
    • Avoid active creams and exfoliants for 1 week until the skin has fully healed.
    • Avoid self tan in the area for at least a week.
    • Avoid any other aesthetic treatments in the area for 2 weeks.
    • Clients need to wear a compression garment after the treatment for 72 hours e.g. spanks.
    • Minimise alcohol consumption and drink plenty of water.
    • Avoid excessive exercise for the first 24 hours.

Are results permanent?

Whilst the body can regenerate fat cells – the process is very slow. So once fat cells are removed from a localised area your results are as good as permanent. However, if you do not continue to maintain a healthy lifestyle then your body will put on weight in other areas of your body where fat cells remain.
Destroying the fat cells leads to a long lasting solution provided patients retain a stable weight and continue exercise as usual.

How much do Fat Dissolving Injections Cost ?

Prices depend on which areas and how many areas you have treated.

For prices please click HERE to view my current Price list.

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